Losyen Jerslin tidak berminyak dan tidak melekit. Ia membantu menyamaratakan kulit serta memperbaiki tekstur kulit. Menjadikan kulit anda licin, lembut dan bersih. Sesuai untuk semua jenis kulit. Dengan penggunaan yang berterusan, ia akan membuatkan kulit anda segar sepanjang hari dengan kelembutan dan baunya yang harum.
Losyen Jerslin berkesan untuk:-
*Sakit sendi
*Kulit melecur
*Gigitan serangga
*Tumit kaki pecah
*Kudis dan luka
*Memberi oksigen pada kulit
Cara penggunaan:-
*Sapukan losyen pada tempat yang bermasalah.
Jerslin lotion is made from olive oil and sunflower oil to assist in nurturing and smoothening the skin so that the skin is always clear, soft, fresh and fluffy.
The Jerslin lotion is non-oily and not sticky. It helps to smoothen the skin as well as improving the skin texture. Making your skin smooth, soft and clean. Suitable for all types of skin. With sustained continuous usage, it will make your skin fresh all day long with its softness and fragrance.
Jerslin lotion is effective for;-
*Joint pains
*Skin burns
*Insect bites
*Broken feet soles
*Scabies and wounds
*Oxygenates the skin
Application method:-
Apply lotion on the problematic areas.
Jerslin Lotion 40 gram